Some people simply do not want to work from home full-time. But it sure would be nice and oh-so convenient to have a part-time job that comes with a ten-second commute.
Fortunately, a growing number of companies have part-time work from home jobs. When I say part-time work from home jobs, I'm talking ones where you're hired on as an employee and not an independent contractor or freelancer.
These positions aren't always as flexible as the other options, but they are flexible enough that they can be done on nights or weekends so they don't interfere with your typical Monday through Friday routine.
Pros of Part-Time Employee Jobs
- Stability Set schedule Consistent part-time income
Cons of Part-Time Employee Jobs
- Not always flexible May require purchasing home-office equipment Lengthy hiring and training process
What's great about these part-time home-based jobs is the fact you can count on a certain amount of extra income each month there's no wondering if there will be any work available or guessing as to how much you might make by the end of the month. But part-time employee positions may also require you to have a proper home office setup that includes a landline, headset, and a quiet spot where you can do work not always possible when you're working in a busy household.
There's not always a lot of part-time work from home employee jobs out there. And when you do find them, they often come with longer hiring and training which means it could be months before you actually see any money come in.