
Sell Ad Space

As I had mentioned above you need high traffic volume to be able to make money online. If your blog or website gets a good amount of traffic the best way to monetize it is by selling ad space. Most websites generate thousands of dollars per month by selling ad space.

In order to sell ad space, you will have to show the potential client proof on the number of views you get per month, the demographics user engagement etc before they consider advertising on your site.

You should only focus on selling ad space to companies that are relevant to your niche. If your website is about digital marketing you should focus on selling ad space to clients who are also in the same niche. It would look odd if you have a banner advertisement of a restaurant that has nothing to do with your business.

If you want to make money online then I highly recommend these 4 strategies. Once you start to increase your traffic and implement these methods effectively then you will be well on your way to make some good income online.

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