The next stage is the most crucial one. Here we should set bids and spots traffic is sent to. The correctness of this adjustment influences whether we get very good traffic or a bad one (including bots and etc.). Also, the right setting of bids for clicks allows determining the flow’s intensity and advertisement expenses.
I strongly recommend buying traffic ONLY according to White-lists and not testing many spots at the same time but buying traffic only from certain spots.
Once a week redirect. com sendsletters of advice concerning the most popular traffic sources. Here is what a letter looks like:
It is worth mentioning that the given information is rather true: the given sources do have really good traffic. Everybody buys from them, consequently, competition and costs are extremely high, but the traffic really brings leads.
To begin with, you have to create ONE campaign for ONE traffic source. Besides, as it was stated before, traffic from one source should be divided into independent flows according to the type of gadgets and geo.
For example, while buying traffic from spot 5408 (I strongly recommend it) from the USA, the Netherlands, and Turkey, I create several campaigns for it:
5408 – TR – Chrome Windows
5408 – US – Chrome Windows
5408 – NL – Chrome Windows
5408 – TR – Android, Android Phone
5408 – US – Android, Android Phone
5408 – NL – Android, Android Phone
Every traffic flow is marked with a Sub-ID in order to determine among the spots the effective ones. What is more, I can easily set different price bids for every sort of geo and platform (to divide the price for Android and Windows clicks that I purchase). This is a critically important thing to pay attention to since most of the newbie marketers mix their traffic into a single stream. Such an activity usually results in considerable overpayment for the traffic purchased. Please, don't skip this recommendation and be patient while creating as many campaigns as it is needed for the reasonable tests to be made. This will either save your time and money, in the end.
Another positive thing about such an activity is safety. If an advertiser (or a network) is not satisfied with conversions, you can easily detect other spots which bring leads of a low quality and switch them off without stopping the whole traffic flow. If a network refuses to pay out for some reasons, it will be easier to assert your right to get other payments related to other Sources and Sub-IDs with the help of providing a proof: your traffic flow is divided and not all the leads come from one and the same spot.
Here is what interface of Source Targeting settings looks like:
First of all, you should remove spot “All Sources” with the help of button “REM”. After that, we write in a search field source’s ID and push “Add”. You should set maximum allowed price for 1k of traffic. There is an Estimator in the system – it is a tool which evaluates approximately how much traffic with a certain bid redirect. com gets. Do not believe it. Estimator tells lies and always overvalues the price. One condition you should observe – a minimum bid. If the bid in Max Bid corresponds with the minimum in Bid Range, traffic will come.
«Hourly Breakdown» alarm button allows estimating the approximate time in which traffic brings good conversion. During certain hours maximum spot’s bid is much higher – so you’d better buy traffic during this time.
It is also important to understand that traffic bought during a non-competitive time (when the bid is lower) can generate leads too; and in the end, ROI will be greater on such timing due to the traffic cost. The effectiveness can be found only by constant experiments. Anyway, for newbies I recommend buying traffic only during a competitive time.
As exemplified in spot 5408 you can see that traffic’s value depends on the time of day. From 11 am to 5 pm according to EST. This spot generates good traffic not only across the USA but across all Western Europe. When it is 11 am according to EST – there is nearly evening in Western Europe. There, people сome home from work and start surfing the Internet. That’s why during these hours there is a battle for traffic.
Soon after all the adjustments were made, you can start sending the traffic.