Hello Gloria
Like many people today, im always thinking of ways to make more money, there are so many scams out there and it`s difficult to know what to trust and what not.
while looking for ways to increase my income. i came up to your site, you have explained things so well and in an easy to understand way.
Like you say in your post, im one of the people who limit myself mentally, but after reading your post, i feel more confident and ready to give it a go.
Thanks so much for a very positive and well written post.
Hi Roamy,
Thanks for your comment. I am glad to see you enjoyed the article and was able to get something out of it. If you have limiting beliefs around money, my article may of made you feel better but your beliefs will still be there until you remove or dissolve them.
Great post. It is true that we can have limiting beliefs about how much money we can earn and not even be aware of it. That is why it is important to pay attention to our thoughts so we can figure out our deeply held beliefs and change them for the better. What is the best book for changing limiting beliefs?
Yes, limiting beliefs are very real. I would recommend Creating A Bug Free Mind. It will remove or dissolve all your limiting beliefs so you can have the life you want.
This came at a really opportune time for me. I am feeling like making money online is a really slow process, and wondering why others seem to be getting there ahead of me. reading this makes total sense, and instead of getting more and more anxious and stressed about it, I need to calm down and condition my mind to think differently. Thank you so much it really opened my eyes and has made me feel like I can take charge and help myself do better.
I'm glad you found my article. It definitely all starts in your mind. If you can change your thought process to positive thoughts around what you are trying to do, not worry about what others are doing and just stay focused on your goals you will get there!
I totally agree with you. The law of thought and also the law of attraction are two that I strongly believe in. I write my goals down on a piece of paper and read them out loud 2 times a day. I believe when you can start to tell yourself something often, you will begin to believe it and hence the outcome will be what you desire. Also, of course action is required but you're never going to move forward if your thoughts are pulling you back. Thanks for the great article!
Yes, you must know that you can achieve your goals in order for them to happen. If you truly know that it will happen then it will. The trick is to just let it happen. It is when our minds are cluttered with negative thoughts that we will not move forward.