Every single big business has developed a mobile app for their customers to remain connected and the mobile trend has been spilling over to the average computer programmer for almost 10 years. From mobile games to mobile educational utility apps, the mobile industry has changed the face of technology and people who has the knowledge to control a product that can possibly turn into great wealth for an individual, no matter who you are or where you're located on this planet. The process is simple, learn how to code then build your dream mobile application.
The only thing you need is creativity and a vision for a program that people will use. Currently, the leaders in the mobile industry for major mobile development that contain vast user-base are Apple and Android. Depending on the quality, and what purpose your app serve, you could monetize nicely by charging between $0.99, $6.99, or more per download. Want to began building an mobile app now? First, get a little education by developing with Android right now.
In Conclusion,
Anyone can start making money online fast or very slow. It depends on how ambitious and serious you are about breaking away from your corporate daytime job and building a business. Some people use their vacation time on launching their small business at home from off their computer, it can be done. Take one day at a time and grow at a pace, good luck.