Here is the list of the main work from home jobs that are available to Singaporeans:
Data Entry Babysitting Survey Jobs Freelance Jobs Translation Tutors
The online jobs in Singapore that enable you to work at home, have a few more advantages. Despite being an active professional, you can look at
Saving time commuting and working for set hours You will have more free time to pursue multiple careers/hobbies You can also significant cut down your travel and wardrobe expenses Your work timing can be a lot more flexible and as per your convenience
To make the task even easier for you, here is a quick look at some top Singapore oriented home based jobs. These range from work from home data entry jobs in Singapore and list all available online job hiring sites in Singapore.
1) Work from Home Data Entry Jobs in Singapore
Be it Singapore or Seattle; data entry is an absolutely popular option for those looking at part-time work options. So no wonder, it ranks quite high in the list of popular part-time work from home jobs in Singapore. But a big problem with work from home data entry jobs in not just Singapore but across the world is that the prospect of a scam. So, though, data entry as a profession does not involve a lot of talent, skill or experience, you might have to be extra careful in choosing job options from appropriate sites.
Be very careful of potential scams and apply through only well known online job sites in Singapore. Whether it is basic data entry using Microsoft Word or complex data computation, remember to go through client review and feedback and only apply for clients who have a proven track record of providing quality work.
Avoid shady players and clients who do not have a huge work volume. It is very important to set the terms of payment and submission well before you apply. In that way, you can ensure that you do not fall prey to the many scams that are always in the offing.
2) Babysitting
Another convenient part time work from home job in Singapore is babysitting. Especially if you like babies and are not interested in undertaking a part-time job that involves academic excellence, this is one of the best options that you could undertake. The baby sitting job in Singapore would involve taking care of babies in an appropriate fashion.
These types of home based jobs need you to have some vital characteristic features like patience and improvisation. You need to understand the baby's demands and how to anticipate their requirements. Child care is all about arriving at a convenient arrangement of kind, care, concern and professionalism.
Though, there is no set rule book that can help you identify the right way to go about it, the crux of the matter is you might have to work with children of different age groups and must understand how to best adapt to their needs and rhythm. You should be also mindful of the family's concerns and how you can best address these. The idea is to bring up and care for the child without unnecessarily or radically altering the approach that the family incorporates.
In fact, you can refer to several sites for online job hiring in Singapore. They can best identify the ideal opportunities for you. It is always good to go with trusted online sites. Look at ways to not only enhance your own ratings as a babysitter but also apply for reliable clients. Not only is the job very satisfying, it also means that you will be able to make a tidy sum with working for just a few hours each day.
Compared to many other internet jobs in Singapore, this one can be an extremely value based proposition and ensures assured gains. Overall the fact that you are caring for kids makes you feel very special. Especially for experienced mothers looking at a break and part-time job opportunities, this can be a great option.
3) Survey Jobs
This is another popular player in the list of part time work from home jobs in Singapore. Not only are these survey jobs very convenient but also extremely in demand. One of the reasons is that it is one of those job options that have great flexibility in terms of timing. It does not matter what time you work or where you work from as long as the work gets done in time.
The widespread network base ensures that despite being in Singapore, you can even explore taking up job openings in South Africa or wherever you might please. All you have to do is look for a suitable opening that can help you materialize your dream of working from home. If you are not too comfortable with online job hiring, you could also explore vacancy in Singapore based firms that have projects underway.
The biggest advantage is these surveys could cover any number of products, topics and subjects. The payment structure, of course, varies based on the type of the project undertaken. While some surveys are simple, there are a few that could be rather time consuming or are multi-layered. Therefore, you need the patience to develop the basic skills and ways to turn around these surveys at a fast pace.
One of the biggest challenges of this kind of work from home is how minutely they must work towards maintaining the accuracy of the content. Even the slightest miss can result in a huge discrepancy in results. If you are based in Singapore, you must be also proficient in other languages apart from English.
While the first step to it is getting a suitable job opportunity, the next step is to maintain and optimize the opportunity. One of the key aspects to work on would be speed. The more surveys you can do in a given period, the better the chances of improving your overall pay. An appropriate schedule can enhance both your efficiency and speed.
4) Freelance Jobs
In the list of part time work from home jobs in Singapore, this one too is significantly in demand. There are innumerable websites and businesses that have websites and are in need of someone to constantly update and upgrade their content. This constitutes a great opportunity for interested individuals. Not only in terms of creating quality written content, but there is also a huge demand for graphic and website developers who work on a freelance basis.
These internet jobs in Singapore are available through online listings as well as local ads promising a whole bunch of part-time home based job options. Normally, the payment structure of these jobs are on either hourly basis or pay per project opportunity depending on the type of work and the number of hours that is required for completing these project.
You must understand the only way to get a long-term contract is via improving the quality of content and the speed at which you can create them. Most importantly, individuals who take up this job opportunity should be genuinely interested in the location that they choose. This is also a very important consideration, if you want to enhance your content quality and improve the speed at which you churn it out.
Whether you can work only a few hours or spare just the weekends, in the list of part time work from home jobs in Singapore, this one undoubtedly has the most long-term and favorable terms and condition of success. This is an ideal part-time work from home job option to substantiate your current salary and even use this as an investment for future expenses which might not be met up with current income.
5) Translation
Translation is also a convenient part time work from home jobs in Singapore. These are essentially online jobs that can be easily applied through internet based job sites. As the name suggests, you need to translate content from one language to another and can be quite challenging and full of fun.
It is also an extremely demanding work from home alternative. It highlights your latent language talent and helps you utilize an additional knowledge in a monetarily beneficial manner. The ease of applying for this type of part-time jobs online, ensure that an opportunity is only as far as the click of a mouse.
While different sites have different payment structure, the volume and hour of work you put in essentially decide the payment structure that you can expect. Look for sites which exclude the role of a middleman, and you can get the job directly from the hirer.
Indeed, there are some websites that can also train individuals for these type of part time work from home jobs in Singapore.
In terms of pre-requisites, you must be well versed with computers and should be able to operate basic computer operations like Microsoft Word, notebook and similar ones. In Singapore as well as globally, there are many sites that list out part-time translation job options that you can easily capitalize on.
But you must remember that while translating content, you become the ambassador of how one language is perceived by another. Therefore, getting your facts right is very important. Whatever content you must translate, you must be very careful about the exact content that you churn out. Even the smallest mistake that you could possibly commit while translating, will lead to long-term impact and even lead to misrepresentation of key documents.
While it is not meant to scare anyone who is interested, it sufficiently highlights the challenges involved if you decide on taking up this profession as a part-time means of generating additional income in your house.
6) Tutors
Another easy work from home job in Singapore that you could easily apply online involves the job of home tutors. It is extremely popular and much in demand across Singapore. This part-time job serves as ideal work from home alternative for many talented individuals who might have constraints in terms of spending long hours outside the home. Additionally, teaching as a profession can be extremely rewarding to many who enjoy reading, writing and sharing their knowledge with other aspirants.
For aspiring home tutors you can both advertise about your skills and look for possible job opportunities in the online jobs listing sites. There is also no pressure on you to choose a particular kid for tutoring in case you simply evinced interest.
As a potential tutor, you have full rights to interview the student properly and gauge the potential aptitude. You might want to go ahead only if you think that you can sufficiently value add to the student's knowledge base.
Tutoring also enables utilizing the benefit of operating at flexible hours. Whether you teach your student virtually or ask them to come to your place, mutual convenience plays a crucial role. Furthermore, this also gives you an opportunity to leverage technology and take advantage of time zone difference, the world over. If you like, you could even record videos and upload them to your students. This frees you up, in terms of time management, even further.
There are many types of payment options that you could choose from. Either it can be a pay per hour or monthly payment or subject wise depending on whatever is comfortable for both the teacher as well as the students.
Therefore you can easily conclude that part-time work from home jobs in Singapore are available in scores, but when you are looking online jobs to work at home, you must pay extra attention to getting the best possible option that also adheres to your interest area. Most Singapore home based jobs can be applied through online job sites. But if you are choosing work from home data entry jobs in Singapore, be careful of potential scams that might sour your experience to work from home. With just a bit of care and applying through online job hiring sites in Singapore, you can easily capitalize on this opportunity.
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