
The Best Kindle Training Course On The Market

If you're interested in learning the kindle business from a pro then I highly recommend the Kindle Money Mastery course by Stefan Pylarinos. I've read a lot of books and searched the web for info on writing ebooks and this course is the best by far! I wish I just skipped the bullshit and bought this course years ago.

Sometimes I have a tendency to skip over the dollars to save a nickel but that's never a wise decision. This course only costs $67 dollars and it's absolutely PACKED with valuable information about making money with Kindle. It really covers it all.

Sure you can browse the forums and scrape together as much free info as you can then proceed by trial and error… But that could add YEARS onto your journey to success. If you're serious about making money online, you need to educate yourself and then give it some real effort.

Stefan knows his stuff and he's making serious money selling ebooks. This course blew my mind because I never thought of outsourcing my ebooks before! I always just figured I need to bang out books on topics I know about. That's a slow grind right there… Stefan will teach you his strategy for outsourcing ebooks to other writers for dirt cheap.

That's what being a business owner is all about. It's a shift in mind state. Don't be an affiliate marketer, offer an affiliate product! Don't be a freelance writer, hire freelance writers! Time to think BIG.

The video lessons in this course are extremely detailed. He really holds your hand and walks you through the process of creating your ebook, getting it published, promoting it and much more. The facebook group is also extremely valuable as it's full of people who are actually making money with this business model.

Stefan also offers a money back guarantee for sixty days. If you don't like the course you can return it and get your cash back, no questions asked.

I truly believe selling ebooks is the best way to make passive income online. It's set it and forget it! Nothing else I've tried comes close. The downside is it takes some time to build up a decent income but once you do, it's completely passive income!

If you want to learn about kindle publishing then I highly recommend Kindle Money Mastery. < - That's an affiliate link, so if you purchase the course I make a small commision, but I would never promote a product I didn't use and love myself. I truly believe that this course can put you on the path to being financially free and location independent.

My plan is to really focus on self publishing to see how far I can take it. Wish me luck. I wish you all luck on your journey as well. See you in paradise!

PS Please join my forum. Several of my members are building their businesses online and we're always around to help each other out! I would love to have you as a part of the community. See you in the forum!