
Online Transcription and Data Entry Jobs: How to Work Online with Online Typing Jobs in Kenya

You will need the following tools and skills to work online on online transcription, data entry jobs, article writing. internet jobs and online typing jobs in Kenya.

A Computer A cheap PC will do. If you are just starting to work online, look for a basic computer. Computer prices mostly depend on where you buy. Expensive machines usually have higher specifications required for processor intensive work, such as multimedia and graphic design. You don't need such features to do regular online jobs such as online transcription jobs and data entry jobs. When working online, you will type on the keyboard and use the mouse a lot: The computer maybe cheap but the keyboard, mouse and monitor/display must be of high quality. Good Internet Connection When it comes to internet connection, cheap is often expensive. Think of reliability and speed these two factors will greatly determine the quality of work and performance when working online. Get a reliable internet connection that doesn't have frequent disconnection. Online transcription jobs involve a lot of downloading of video and audio files. You will download faster when you have a good internet speed. Go for nothing less than 3G modem speed, and check which internet provider has an unlimited data plan. Headphones. Grab some high quality headphones and set up your typing environment in a quiet environment. Good headphones will enable you hear the speakers on the audio well. An audio for transcription can have multiple speakers. It also might not be of high quality. You will need good headphones for such transcription jobs. Flash disk. A transcriber must always have a portable backup device such as a USB flash drive. A flash disk will come in handy whenever power goes off you can finish the job at a cyber cafe. USB flash disks are portable, inexpensive and easy to use. They are compatible with nearly all computers and don't require any specialized software since they are plug and play devices. Other good qualities required to work online with online typing jobs in Kenya include having good listening skills and a good command of English.

Most of the resources you need to work online and make money with online jobs are free, if only you know where to look. Do extensive research, use free tools whenever necessary and work on your grammar. Good grammar will help you work faster on online typing jobs in Kenya. Get a good computer and accessories if you can afford, but buy cheap ones if you are on a tight budget. After all, you do not respond to a mosquito bite with a hammer.