
Getting people to read your content

The next thing you’ll want to focus on is getting people to read your content – and that means getting people to visit your blog.

Remember: If no one is visiting your blog, you’ll get no opt-ins.

And, if you have no opt ins, you won’t be able to send any promotional emails!

There are many ways to get people to visit your blog. You don’t want to rely on just one method.

As soon as one traffic method is working, try and introduce another.

It might sound counterintuitive to diversify your focus, but you never know what is around the corner.

Your ad account might get shut down, or you might become the victim of a change in Google’s algorithm, for example.

Keep that in mind, as you continue to read.

The first traffic method you can try out is Guest Posting.

Guest posting can be a great way to drive targeted traffic to your blog.

6% of bloggers publish the majority of their content as guest posts. Such a method can be worth it, when you realize that guest posting can produce dividends for months to come.

Look at what happened to Will Blunt’s list, as a result of guest posting on Hubspot.

Some people don’t post content on their own blog until they’ve built a significant following as a result of guest posting.

If you’re going to follow a strategy like that, make sure that you have an opt-in form on your site.

That way, you can still capture leads, even if you’re posting on someone else’s site.

It might be a good idea to let people know that you have a content upgrade available, in the ‘Author’s box’ of your guest post.

If you want success with guest posting, you need to master two things.

Finding opportunities Creating incredible content

Luckily for you, I’ve explained here and here how you can achieve those two goals.

Other than guest posting, you can also use PPC traffic to drive people to your site.

There has been an increase of 93%. in terms of bloggers who use an alternative promotion method to grow their blog.

For many, paid traffic is one of the methods used.

PPC traffic is a great way to instantly send visitors to your site.

But, if you have no experience with buying online advertising, you might end up losing a lot of money.

On top of that, it's important that you have your funnel in place, before you start buying traffic – or else you won’t be able to make your money back.

Thankfully, most PPC platforms don’t have a minimum spend and you can use platforms like AdWords and Facebook without breaking the bank.

Try spending $5 a day on each one of those platforms.

If you’re on a tight budget, or i f you’re a newbie – Facebook Ads might be the best place to start, since it allows for you to target your ads easily.

You’ll probably lose money to begin with – but consider that money well spent on your social media marketing plan.

After spending $100 or so, you’ll know more than enough about how to create engaging ads that are properly targeted.

Aside from using ads, you can also generate traffic by getting people to share your content.

Remember how we found proven content ideas using Buzzsumo?

Well, Buzzsumo also lets us know who shared those ‘proven,’ content ideas.

That’s helpful, because now we have a list of people who like this sort of content.

Now, all that we need to do is email them and let them know that we have a similar, but better piece of content that they’ll also enjoy.

Here’s the template that I’ve used in the past.

If all goes well, they’ll thank you for letting them know about this piece of content and they’ll then share the content for you.

This method takes a lot of work to begin with, but it can be a great way to get some traction, if you’re just starting out and you don’t have a lot of money to spend.

Plus, if your content is actionable, and is capable of helping others, people won’t mind sharing it.

In fact, 94% of people share posts because they think it will help others.