
How To Make Money From WordPress. com Blog?

Are you blogging on WordPress. com platform and wondering how you can make money from it? If yes, this is a detailed guide for you to look at various options to monetize your WordPress. com blog. Those who are new to blogging and just started with a blog, you ought to know about different variation of WordPress.

WordPress offers two ways to create your blog:

    WordPress. com. Free platform which is easy for anyone to start a blog instantly. It’s a good platform to start your first blog but I wouldn’t recommend to stick to it for long, as there are many limitations of this platform. I will talk about that in a minute, let’s have a look at other variation. WordPress. org. This is also known as self hosted platform where you host your blog on your own server. It requires a bit of technical knowledge (Though not much) and the advantage here is; there is no limitations here.

You should check out this guide on WordPress. com Vs. WordPress. org to learn everything about both the platform and understand the limitations and advantage of both the platform.

Now, if you are done understanding about both the platform and ready to monetize your existing WordPress. com blog, read on…