Are you just barely scraping by and living paycheck to paycheck? Do you need a new or extra source of income? Making money online is a good place to start. Bona fide Internet income opportunities do exist and a considerable number of people legitimately make money online every day. So, as long as you have a computer with Internet access, earning money from home is a viable option.
But, beware the hype. Most of the information that's out there to help you make money online is just promoting various info-products, ironically about Internet marketing. This might lead one to ask, Are any real people making money online? Actually, a considerable number of people are online making money. Many earn a wage comparable to their former salary or even more. Telecommuting is the new wave of employment with ever growing varieties and opportunities. While a considerable number of Internet income positions do require some degree of ability, you don't necessarily need a university education to make money online. All types of people are making their dreams a reality by working from home.
If you know a lot of job seekers, (and they are plentiful in this economy,) or even people who are employed and not looking for a different position, you can earn cash rewards for connecting an employer with a prospective employee who gets hired. In fact, many new hires fall in the category of employed non-job seekers. Finders' fees can range from $50 to several thousand and the best part is that this type of recruiting requires no overhead. There are several companies that will pay referral fees for designated transactions, as well as introductions and meetings.
A growing number of sites will pay for your articles or blog spots. Typically you can make money online for your writing on a pay for performance basis determined by page views. Articles for specific topics can earn direct payments of up to $200. Check weekly postings for blogging jobs.
Make money online starting your own blog by setting up display ads and affiliate programs. Every time someone clicks on an ad, you get paid. This can be a great passive income source and while you'll need a lot of traffic to generate a six-figure income, it's not impossible with an interesting topic, good writing, and friends who will spread the word. On the other hand, most of us can happily live on a lot less.
Opportunities for making money online are becoming more and more numerous and lucrative. The above list is just the highlights of some of the newer more interesting ways to make money online with very little investment if any; and without the headaches of finding or making a product to sell or having to have genius sales and marketing skills. Whether you want to contribute to family finances or just earn extra cash to cover special or unexpected expenses, you can be online making money with many legitimate Internet income opportunities. There's at least one for just about anyone.