
#9 Sell crafts online

Mojoriteten of our readers do not spend enough time on knitting or other needlework, but maybe a few more will consider needlework as a leisure activity where you can also earn from it?

Sale of handicrafts: Make stuff yourself, everything from guitars to furniture. This can then be sold on sites like eBay or in your own shop.

We wrote earlier about how you could sell items directly from vendors on eBay, and we also wrote a bit about it to make online shop. Many people make good money selling their own crafts online. It is not difficult to lay out their handiwork for sale on sites like eBay, finn. no and other classified sites.

If you succeed in selling your own work on sites like eBay, one should also consider whether the market is big enough to start their own online store. The advantage of selling their handiwork through its own online store rather than eg. eBay is that you keep all the profits for yourself. See also what was written about starting online store further up in this article.