
#9 Financing business ideas through the internet

Simply by using the so called popular Crowdfunding can collect the necessary start-up capital, and in addition you will also get benefited in the form of free marketing.

To begin, you need natutrligvis an idea, and you should preferably have gone a little way before asking for other people's money. A prototype or a well-developed plan is the least that can be expected. Alternatively, you may have a past history that makes it easy to imagine that the new project will be a success.

To succeed with crowdfunding you must present your project in a way that engages. In addition, you must know where to post your project. Do you have an audience already, for example through a popular blog (see above tips on blogging), then you can use this as a forum to ask for money for the project.

If you do not have a blog or a different venue from where before you reach out to a large group of people, sites like Kickstarter be spot on. The design of many is enough profit motivated, at least to some extent, but the joining layer can also be more altruistically oriented.