If you know something about my porn videos uploading method it's easy for you to start with this method too.
For newbies, I will try to explain this method in basic lines.
So, first you will find some nice porn (sex) pictures online, and you will add your affiliate watermark on them.
Once you watermark enough pictures you can start uploading them and you can start making money with this method.
So basically you will watermark some nice sex photos, and you will upload them on sex photo sites and you will make money with PPL and PPS sales when people visit your domain.
This is really easy money, and you can start making really nice passive income with this method.
Once you upload 1000+ photos online you can got out, fishing, riding bike and stuff while your photos are making money for you, 100% passive.
I will explain you how to start with this method, I will do basic step by step tutorial on how to do this.