At this point, there was very little that could go wrong. Short of some horrible unforeseen event taking place, I had a steady stream of automated income coming in one of the first ones I had ever built.
Then there was a horrible unforeseen event…
I don't remember the exact circumstances, but the Chinese ports suddenly stopped shipping airsoft guns out. For over 3 months, I couldnt get any airsoft guns out of China.
I know it was more than 3 months, because that is when I was forced to throw in the towel.
I searched around for a replacement supplier from anywhere I could, but the prices had just skyrocketed. On top of that, I had a bunch of orders I couldn't fill and angry customers…
With many new projects sprouting up, and being only 16 at the time, I refunded everybody and moved on…
I did make enough money to invest elsewhere, most of which was lost on other ventures. I learned more than I did in my entire schooling career with this business, and I hope I communicated everything well enough to expedite your learning curve.
The only thing to do now, if you haven't been this entire time already, is TAKE ACTION! If this strategy intrigues you, get out there and at least try to put this stuff into action. Make it happen!
Please comment below if you have any problems, questions, or suggestions with any part of this I will be responding to everything immediately for the next couple of days.
Good luck, and talk to you below!