
How to earn money today and multiply my value 100-fold

How to earn money today and multiply my value 100-fold. if a man has the genius and ingenuity to fashion a castle out of clay and a shrine from a Cypress tree and if, with just a touch of genius multiply my value us take the wool from a sheep and fashion from it a garment fit for a king, doubling their value a thousand-fold, surely I can do the same with this lump of clay of which I am made?

How to earn money today and multiply my value 100-fold, in order for the grain of wheat to grow and multiply it is necessary for it first to be planted deep within the warm, dark earth; my dark earth is my failure, my despair, my ignorance and my inabilities and this is where I have been planted in order to grow and to ripen. Now, like the wheat grain which will sprout and blossom only if it is nurtured by the rain and sun and warm winds, I too must nurture my body and mind so as to be able to fulfill my dreams. But, unlike the wheat which must wait, rooted in the ground and therefore at the mercy of the whims of Mother Nature, I do not have to remain stagnant and wait around for someone to tell me when to move. “I need not wait, for I have the power to choose the power to choose.” – Og Mandino