
The Best Way To Make A Real Living Online

This is how I make money online: I earn passive income online by mastering Affiliate Marketing. In particular Amazon products. Affiliate marketing is proven to be the best way for a beginner to start making money online, especially when you are promoting a powerhouse company like Amazon. You are pretty much guaranteed to make money once you start to get people clicking on your affiliate links to Amazon. In This Article I explain What Affiliate Marketing Is and How To Get Started .

Pros Of Affiliate Marketing

    Once set up you can earn residual passive income for months, years to come from the work you did earlier. You NEVER have to touch, handle or process any products. You don't have anything to do with transactions, refunds or anything. All you have to do is recommend products to people and you get paid a commission. Easy to understand method 100% Legitimate and perfect business model for beginners Just about any product online has a affiliate program, so no matter what your interests/hobbies are you can make money online simply by writing about what you love. During the Christmas shopping rush, Amazon Affiliates earn crazy amount of money due to the massive increase in online sales. Some people earn 10 x what they earn during the rest of the year over the months of November and December. So if you are earning $5k month Feb Nov you could realistically earn $50,000 over Nov and December due to the Christmas shopping blitz. You don't need to own any products in order to make money from recommending them. Even though I make 10k a month, I don't own any of the products I recommend. However, if you do own and like the product you currently have, you can make even more money as you can give a much more personal product review .

Cons Of Affiliate Marketing

    Some affiliate programs require you to have experience before they approve you to promote their products. However, with Amazon you can pretty much walk in as a beginner and get approved. Competition can be fierce because it's such an easy business model, so will need to learn the correct way of choosing a niche . Do this part right and you are good to go.