
I need a way to make money fast - please advise me

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Shobir Administrator Staff Member

LaughDontCry said: ↑

I need a way to make money fast. I'm a single mother living with my parents. I work full time on weekdays as a waitress to support my children and help my parents. I have been stuck in this position for a while and I'm determined to get out of this vicious cycle of poverty.

I work 9 hour shifts Monday to Friday and have the weekend off. I use Saturday to have fun with the kids and help my parents around the house. My ex-partner is non existent and I've lost hope that he'll ever get involved. I have Sundays free to do whatever I want to do and I want to use this day productively. So in a nutshell I need a way to make money fast. Given my circumstances and time constraint can anyone suggest a way to make money fast so I can get out of poverty and give my children a better quality of life and standard of living.

Click to expand.

Before you find a way to make money fast I would suggest that you build a solid personal finance foundation with your existing money. The first thing you should do is complete a financial questionnaire where you detail your income and outgoings.

The next step is to analyze your income and expenses and find ways to cut your expenses. Try and give yourself a target to cut your expenses by 50%. Start of ways to save on energy, groceries, clothes and rent. Cutting costs is hard at first but eventually you get use to it. Just think of how good life would be living out of poverty.

The next step is to boost your income. Before you find a way to make money fast you should see if you are eligible for any State or Federal benefits. You should visit the USA. Gov website and see what benefits you can apply for. Some of the welfare benefits that come to mind are

Rental Assistance

Energy Assistance

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Food Snaps

By taking advantage of these benefits you should be able to boost your income. Once you have a surplus in your budget you should save money. The best way to get out of poverty is to save money and invest it wisely. Don't make the mistake of over-inflating your lifestyle with any newfound income because you'll still be in poverty if you don't have anything left at the end of the month.