
Get Cash Now

Get Cash Advance Now

If you have a job you can get a fast cash advance to help you get through those rough spots that happen between paychecks. They're not going to give you a ton of money, but it'll certainly help. Cash advances work by verifying your income and your identification and lending you cash based on how much you earn each week. You'll usually need a bank account (checking usually) in order to pay the loan back. To pay the lender back, you'll write a post-dated check for the amount you've borrowed (plus interest) for the date it's due and they'll cash it then.

The interest rates on these types of loans is pretty high, but that's the price you pay to get cash now. Spend a little bit looking around to find the lender that has the lowest rates, it'll save you a ton of money. The average rate for a cash advance loan is $25 per $100 borrowed, but some are as low as $10 per $100 so do your research.