
6 Effective Money Making Tips for Beginners

Your journey starts here.

Tired of being dirt poor and cheap? Depressed because of financial problems kicking your tired, battered ass? Want to to make extra money to buy the things that you want or you really just want to save extra cash that can be used in case of emergency? If you're surfing the web to find information about money making tips for beginners in order to bolster the growth of your bank accounts and the wallet and your pocket then you are in the right place my friend.

At ease now dear reader, like what I've said, you're in the right place to start your journey to financial freedom, just relax, get a cup of coffee and continue reading because this blog post will teach you some of the most effective money making techniques in the Philippines to help you reach your financial goals.

Without further ado, let's start the 6 important money making tips that will really help you!

1.) Get a Job

This is the most common way to earn money, get a daily job, work your ass off, go home and rest; rinse and repeat.

If you're a fresh graduate then you are lucky because there are many job opportunities around and all you need to do is give your best in interviews and exams. To know more about about job offerings and company hirings please checkout the biggest online classified ads.

One tip I can give in order to get the most profit out of your job is to weigh the pros and cons of the job prospect given to you, for example you live in Metro Manila and the company will assign you in Laguna, the salary is 500 a day but the transportation cost will reach 279 foods not included. It's clear that the job is not worth it so better find another one.

Starting your own business is also a good source of bucks and probably one of the best money making tips for beginners in my list if you know and you love what you are doing.

Starting a business is not really easy like other people think, you need to be focused, mentally and physically ready, proper study and research must be conducted before releasing your precious hard earned capital.

I created a comprehensive list of profitable business ideas in the Philippines and I recommend that you check it out to discover more business opportunities that can help you become a Pinoy money maker.

Advantages of having your own business are being the boss of your own self, a chance for growth and success, pushes you to the limits of your management skills and whole lot more!

A lot of Pinoys are being devoured by Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites. Yes, a lot of Filipino people loves being online nowadays and if you're one of them then it's time to learn how you can earn at home using only your internet connection, computer and brain cells.

So how to do it?

Be a blogger or a freelancer.

If you choose to become a blogger then you must write articles and reviews that your readers will enjoy, your blog can become a money making blog if you have a lot of readers and advertisements are well presented.

Being a freelancer means you need to do jobs presented by your "employers". You can register on Odesk to know more about being a freelancer, this method is the best way to work at home

Those two options is the best way to become an online money maker, and it will be better to do them both and enjoy the luxury of working at home.

4.) Investing Your Money

If you already have a good paying job or stable business and you have extra money in your savings account then it might be beneficial to learn more about investments.

There are many ways to invest your money properly, buying lots, joining mutual funds and unit investment trust funds (UITF), learning how stock exchange works and investing there when you already know the ins and outs.

Investing has tons of possibilities and if you did it right, earning more money is certainty. Just be cautious about scams and swindlers who are experts in sweet talking and getting people's trust, they will promise you riches and "double your money" programs and you will end up losing your wealth.

Go to the banks near your place and ask them about their investments options, they will be more than happy to serve you and the money you'll invest is secured.

5.) Best Financial Tip - Save Money

This method might be the most forgotten way of making money, remember that if you stop yourself from buying those things that you don't need then you are actually making money in form of savings!

Neglect buying junk foods everyday, avoiding those kind of foods will not only save you money but it will also save the money making machine which is yourself.

Avoid replacing your working cellphone with newly released model, doing that means wasting your hard earned money. The same is true for shoes, gadgets and bags.

There are tons of ways on how to save money easily and we will discuss about that next time. Just remember that the best money making tips for beginners and pros alike are learning how to save money.

6.) Protect Your Health

Never skip vegetables.

Hospital bills and maintenance drugs will cost you an arm and leg, surely it will drain all your savings and push you to hills of debts and we don't want that to happen right?

Better take care of your health to avoid sickness and disease from taking over your body so you better exercise, hit the gym! Lift some iron, do the deadlift, the squat! Do the yoga, dance Aerobics and Zumba in the plaza with the old ladies wearing jogging pants and bandanna.

Eat healthy, eat smart invest in your health and reap the rewards someday.

That's the short list of our best Pinoy money maker guide on how to earn money in the Philippines. one thing for sure is you need to move your ass in order to get what you want, money comes through hard work and discipline, but despite all the sacrifice you need to exert in order to reach your financial goals don't forget to enjoy your life and make things easy. Work smart and work hard.

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