Now you may be first wondering what kind of work is work is involved. Well, it's quite simple and with the right training it's something that anyone can do. Have you ever heard of affiliate marketing. If not, you can read the post I just linked to if you want more detailed information. Basically what affiliate marketing is that you become an affiliate of a business and you promote and sell their products/services and when an action is taken on your promotion you receive a commission.
So basically you can be getting paid for selling other people's stuff. There are several companies that want you to be an affiliate which I like to describe as an active advertiser because that's essentially what it is. You are paid when an action is taken on your advertisement of a product/service.
Now if you happen to have heard of this before, I only hope it wasn't incorrectly portrayed to you and caused you to perceive it negatively or as some scam. There are many people out there that promote this opportunity in a way that makes it seem like something you can get rich quick from and it's not. If it was then everyone would be able to get rich and life just isn't that easy. I live in the real world and as I'm sure you do and to achieve anything in life takes some kind of time and effort.