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Don't read any more of this page until you truly understand what it takes to make money online. Click here to learn the fundamentals and avoid common mistakes.
I am so thankful for the Internet because I have been able to earn a passive income from my sites since 1998, and I was able to leave my 9 to 5 in 2006. The image above is a snapshot of my ShareASale affiliate program payment.
One reason I'm able to do so well with that program is I teach people how to use and customize the theme so a lot of people buy the product from my link. That's where most of those earnings above come from.
You can also make money online using the same principles in almost any niche, but you have to know that times have changed. Now, don't let that discourage you. Let it be the motivation for education on what works today.
Most people don't realize how much has changed, so they waste time on techniques that no longer work. For example, ranking a website on Google is one of the biggest misunderstood processes online.
You can still make money online today, the biggest difference is you have to stand out amidst all the noise.
That means you want to bring a unique aspect to a particular topic and/or aim to solve a problem that you know people in that niche have. That's always a good way to approach a site.
Then it takes time to build up traffic through Google. social media. YouTube. a podcast (here's mine ), etc. I should emphasize that you don't have to do everything at once. Start with one platform (YouTube, for example) so you don't overwhelm yourself.
And if you're looking for this to happen overnight and not do the work, you are on the wrong site and in the wrong frame of mind. (Read this article where I talk about why I can't estimate how long it will take you to make money.)
The bottom line is you have to enjoy the journey and stay committed -- otherwise this will not work and you will find yourself frustrated.