Freelance writing is great for people who need to make money right away and don't have time to work on their own projects hoping they succeed. You can literally open another tab in your browser right now, google freelance writing jobs, apply for a bunch of them and start working this week.
Believe me anyone can do it… I started with absolutely no experience, no background in writing, nothing. I just applied for a bunch of jobs and finally got my first assignment. Pay will be low starting out but once you have some quality articles you can show to potential clients it becomes much easier to get good jobs.
If you really want to find work as a freelance writer, join my forum here and send me a private message. My name is Skins. I will tell you where I found all of my top paying jobs. I will give you this info for free if you are serious, but I don't want to post the link here for the world to see. I may need to go back there and find work someday! 😉
What I hate about freelance writing is it's a JOB. You're trading your time for money and helping other businesses grow when you should be working on your own projects. Hey I understand we all need to pay the bills but the goal should be to ditch the job and build a business.