Personally I do not want to spend my time assembling things or stuffing envelopes. For one thing you do not get paid enough to stuff the envelopes or assemble the items. It also takes too many of them to make a reasonable amount of money.
I would like to have a pay system like an insurance agent. An insurance agent will get paid a higher commission rate on first year policies and then a lower rate on the renewal of the policy each year there after. Over time this could lead to a very large residual monthly income. Even if there is a slow month there would still be an income from the renewals.
Just like the insurance agent does not have to fill out the paper work each year for the renewal I would not want to have to hit the customers up each month for another order. Pushy sales people tend to turn off customers. The customer could just call in or log onto the internet and place the order when they want and yet I still collect the commission on the orders.
For this system to work the products would have to be good to keep the customer wanting to order. The products would need to be consumable also. This system would not work for vacuum cleaners or products that last for years.
The products need to be used and repurchased, like laundry detergent. Something the customer will need on a monthly bases. Not only do the products need to be good but they must also be cost effective, and it wouldn't hurt if they were environmentally friendly. The products need to be cost effective, high quality, and consumable. With a high quality product there should be a money back guaranty also.
Bottom line is that it will still take time and effort to make a home based business work, but if it had these components it would be easier to do. People would be glad to hear about high quality products that are a better buy.
The secret is to keep working. Even a car salesman will have to hear several rejections for each sale they complete.
To often people want the get rich quick system but they do not work. The phrase: slow and steady wins the race" would be a better description of a successful home based business. Over time an income can be built up enough to live off of.