
What Not to Do

Now that we’ve covered some fairly easy ways to make money online let’s talk about what NOT to do.

Never pay to work. You shouldn’t have to pay a fee to a company for them to hire you. On the flipside, educating yourself by reading books, articles, or even taking courses is fine for an idea that has the potential to pay itself off. (Example: reading a book about Swagbucks won’t make you rich. Reading a book about strategies to sell on Ebay might payoff.)

And never, ever trust anyone who tells you that you’re going to sign up and make hundred of dollars per day for easy work. The people who make hundreds of dollars per day hustle hard. Easy money generally means not that much money.

If you’re looking for more ways to earn a decent living online check out these resources:

Do you know of any other easy (and legit!) ways to make money online?